JunctionBurn - Lake Te anau an amazing little stream - simply beautiful | Fiordland - a secret stream sorry but not divulging where this is but oh so perfect |
Wild Native River West Coast Fiord A sultry peat stained river. Felt like any moment a Moose would stick its head out. The biggest and meanest sandflys I have ever experience but well worth it. | Clinton River backwater - start of the Milford Track - Fiordland
Lake Te Anau what a perfect day... pity the poor people stuck in the office. Every day fishing is a day added to our lives | Worsley River Fiordland
Flying Black Ant One of our customers sent this great pic of a Flying Black Ant which landed on his camping table. When realising what it was he then reached for his box and tied on the pattern... Nekminut... fish hooked but sadly lost | Nik Bielski fishing the evening rise on the Mataura River Southland NZ "A catch of the setting sun is a much better prize than the 6lb brown lost in the Matuara river."
Ahuriri River McKenzie Country New Zealand The Ahuriri is world famous trophy brown and rainbow trout fishery | Bugger!!!! Don't always get it right |
Shag River A superb lowland river local to Dunedin, well worth a crack late in the evening |